Tuesday 9 December 2014

Girls dig Dark Triad, sluts are crazy

Take a bow, Heartiste. Once more, science underlines Game:

The “true confessions” of pickup artists that emerge from time to time in the media present stories of seduction from the mundane to the almost unbelievable. Pickup artists come in all shapes and sizes, as do their routines. You might think that you could never fall prey to such individuals' sleazy persuasion tactics because they seem so blatantly false. As a result, you feel confident that you’ll know to resist the next one you might encounter.

A pickup artist is generally interested in having sex in one-night stands or hookups. Researchers who study these short-term pairings tend to focus on their consequences for longer-term mental health (Bersamin, et al., 2014). Those who conduct this research assume that both partners are interested in keeping the relationship as short and as sweet as possible. For example, in the Bersamin, et al. study of casual sex, the research team (of which I was a part) simply asked participants to report on the frequency of their involvement in casual sex. We then correlated these scores with indices of mental health, revealing that casual sex was indeed linked with lower mental health....

In the all-important personality domain, pickup artists showed specific traits, including antisocial tendencies. As predicted, they were also more likely to be narcissistic. Again, though, male and female pickup artists differed in some aspects of their personality profiles: Women who acted openly promiscuous, for example, were higher in psychopathy. Men high in Machiavellianism were more likely to adopt the tactic of not integrating partners into their lives.
This isn't surprising. I do find it interesting, however, as when I was forced to take a personality profile test for work, I tested high in narcissism and machiavellianism, but very low in psychopathy. Which, as it turns out, is the psychological profile to which women are most strongly drawn.

Of course, you don't see the feminist sites citing this piece to warn about the dangers of pick-up artists noting that it also demontrates that women who engage in casual sex have "lower mental health" and are "higher in psychopath". In other words, the sluts are crazy. But who didn't already know that?


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