Thursday 11 December 2014

White knight... or black?

Even feminists hate the idea of monthly paid menstrual leave:

An idea so damaging to women, only a man could have dreamt it up: Catherine Ostler says top doctor's advice on 'menstrual leave' couldn't be more wrong.

Somewhere, surely, there must be a cigar-strewn cave where misogynistic men sit and concoct evil plans to get women out of the workplace and back into the kitchen. How else to explain the schemes that, on the face of it, look terribly sympathetic and female friendly, but are actually designed to ensure no rational person ever employs a woman again? Take, for example, the plotting that resulted in a woman's right not to tell her employer if or when she was coming back from her year-long maternity leave, making it impossible for firms to plan for either absence or return....

Gedis Grudzinskas, formerly of St Bartholemew's Hospital but now based in Harley Street, suggested that we poor pathetic women should receive 'menstrual leave'. He argued we should be entitled to up to three days' paid holiday — sorry, 'rest leave' — a month because of the bodily upheaval caused by period pains and menstrual tension.

Grudzinskas added that on no account should it interfere with our right to career progression. Yep. An extra 36 days — more than seven working weeks — off each year, just for women. In the real world that's unlikely to sour anyone's 'career progression', isn't it? The male members of staff would never notice.... those who would welcome his proposition for menstrual leave might consider the wider implications of suggesting that women are biologically incapable of working a full month, even out of the best of intentions.

Surely this move is nothing but yet another way to render the 'weaker' sex unemployable.
On the other hand, perhaps Dr. Grudzinkas - surely that can't be a real name - is taking black knighting to a whole new level. It has occurred to me that the fastest way to kill off feminism is to simply grant women even their most outrageous demands. I mean, take the new female quotas for corporate boards in Norway and Germany. Why leave it there? Why not embrace the ultimate black knighting and impose a 100 percent female quota on Congress and force women to assume the entire burden of running the country?

That's the dirty little secret of feminism. They are usually looking for a free ride, not to shoulder the actual responsibility. So give them the control they're demanding, but be sure to refuse to subsequently do the work for them as they're expecting. This works very well in relationships as well. Whenever a woman is running her "helpful criticism" routine, simply hand her the job, pat her on the back, and say, "Thank you. I expect you'll do a much better job than I possibly could."

Then walk away smiling. It's a win-win. Either you won't have to deal with it in the future, or she'll learn to keep her mouth shut when you're doing something.


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