Wednesday 24 December 2014

No wonder they hate Christmas

Dalrock on the special Hell that is Christmastime for feminists:

As I explained in my first post of the new year, feminists are ugly because they are miserly with love.  But the year is almost over, and as the seasons change so do feminists.  This is the time of year when a feminist’s thoughts turn from resentment of the toil and drudgery of everyday life, to resentment of the toil and drudgery of Christmas.  Jessica Valenti at The Guardian speaks for ugly feminists everywhere with her heart felt Christmas missive "No, I will NOT wrap all the presents. Why are women still responsible for the holiday joy?"

    …jingle bell time aside, it’s a goddamn clusterfuck.
Of course Christmas is a special Hell for feminists. It is the celebration of the triumph of hope, joy, and love over their father, the devil. Christmas is, like the Word whose birth it celebrates, the great divider. As long as a man or a woman loves Christmas, there is hope for him. As long as one's soul, however withered and grey, feels even a modicum of the season's good cheer, there is an ember of joy that is a reflection of the Eternal inside.

Evil and all its servitors and minions hate Christmas because it is a constant reminder that although the night is dark, men are sinful, and the world is fallen, hope and joy remain, in the symbol of the little child in a manger, who is Christ the Lord.

Il verbo si fece carne e venne ad abitare in mezzo a noi.


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