Tuesday 2 December 2014

You may as well shut down

Any men's association as soon as you permit female members:

A coeducational Princeton University eating club has removed two officers from their posts after they sent out emails ridiculing women, in one including a sexually explicit photograph.

The first email, dated Oct. 12, showed a woman engaged in a sex act with a man in one of the public spaces of the club, Tiger Inn. It was sent out by Adam Krop, the club’s vice president, to all the names on a club-wide mailing list, and it was accompanied by a crude joke and a reference to the woman as an “Asian chick.”

Later that night Andrew Hoffenberg, the treasurer, sent an email to the same list regarding a lecture by the Princeton alumna whose lawsuit forced eating clubs to admit women. “Ever wonder who we have to thank (blame) for gender equality,” the email began. “Looking for someone to blame for the influx of girls? Come tomorrow and help boo Sally Frank.”

The Princeton Police Department said last month that it was investigating the first email to determine if a crime had been committed, either in the act itself or the distribution of an explicit photograph, which is illegal in New Jersey without the consent of the people pictured. But Sgt. Steve Riccitello, the public information officer, described the case on Monday as “pretty much on hold until a victim comes forward.”
It is time for college men to start rushing - and thereby destroying - women's sororities and other all-female groups. Women aren't going to start leaving men's associations and organizations in peace until men start methodically destroying their own single-sex enclaves, using the very weapons that women have devised.

“After carefully listening to all sides — and to you,” the board wrote, “it is clear to us that the actions taken by Adam Krop and Drew Hoffenberg in the second week of October were offensive, disrespectful and in direct violation of our core values. This afternoon we asked Adam and Drew to step down as vice president and treasurer.” The letter announced additional measures, including “a slate of officers that is more balanced by gender” and “a safe process for members to report incidents or concerns.”

Every male member of that group should respond by resigning. Tiger Inn is just another casualty of SJW entryism.


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