Thursday 11 September 2014

Alpha Mail: the noblest of intentions

 A recovering Gamma attempts to explain why Gamma males always insist that women really, truly, and secretly want nice Gamma males:

After watching a low-Delta/Gamma say that no woman likes a jerk, and another co-worker pointing out that his son put a beating on his baby-mamma while pregnant, and she still can’t get enough of the tattooed meth user, and the Gamma just getting quiet and shaking his head, I got thinking about the denial of the Gamma that women can and do like men who treat them badly.

At first glance it would seem that a Gamma would readily agree that a lot or perhaps most women like “jerks” as it gets them off the hook, but not so. This all goes back to the Gamma wanting to avoid competition at all cost and always winning. By constantly inserting themselves into women’s lives as the “friend” and white-knighting they are able to always take the high road in their heads (We’ll leave out the part about it being a technique to try to actually snag a woman and the dishonesty of their real motives). If a woman rejects the advances of a friendly Gamma it’s not because the Gamma did anything wrong, but rather that the woman didn’t clearly see the Gamma’s wonderful traits. Even worse of course are those pesky dude-bros who “manipulate” women into liking them more than the Gamma. You see the Gamma always has the noblest of intentions with women and only ever loses because the other side cheats! That is why in their heads they could have had 5 different girlfriends last year if the playing field was level, but the cheaters deny them what is rightfully theirs.

Hence no girl in her secret of secret hearts that a Gamma always knows so well would ever truly want a man who treats her badly. Women always want nice guys, but somehow lose their agency as a person around dude-bros who use their awful manipulate power like Saruman or something to take away their free wills and blind them to the awesomeness of the Gamma!
It's really not that hard. What women say they like, what women think they want, and what women actually find sexually attractive are usually three different things. This shouldn't be that hard for men to understand, because what genuinely turns us on and what we want in an actual mate are often contradictory as well. If you are capable of understanding the Madonna/Whore dichotomy, you are capable of understanding the ALPHA/BETA dichotomy as well.


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