Saturday 27 September 2014

Science restates the obvious

It's fascinating to see how many people refuse to believe the evidence of their eyes until a scientific study gives them permission:

Straight men of all ages tend to have their romantic sights set on women in their mid-twenties, while women prefer men who are about the same age as they are, according to a new study.

The survey out Friday, financed by the government-backed research funding group Academy of Finland, gathered data on 12,000 Finns and found that women, on average, are looking for partners who are about their age or slightly older. But men across the age spectrum have a sexual preference for women in their mid-20s. This remains true for men of all ages—men in their early-20s or younger are attracted to women older than themselves and older men are attracted to younger women.

The findings are similar to data culled from the dating website OKCupid, which found that male users of the site of all ages, by far, are looking for women in their early-20s.
This is news? It's simply hypergamy vs the sexual imperative. Never forget, it is MEN that are the romantic sex; WOMEN are the pragmatic one.

As ever, insistence on equalitarianism forces divergence from reality AND science.


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