Wednesday 3 September 2014

How Gamma males argue

John Scalzi likes to brag about how he's a master of rhetoric because he has a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy of Language from the University of Chicago. Here is how he demonstrates that rhetorical mastery when various gamers have pointed out the obvious fact that Anita Sarkeesian, who has developed a little cottage industry out of complaining that there aren't enough women involved in the games she doesn't play, has completely failed to provide any convincing arguments to support her ramblings:

In the last couple of days, some dudes have tried to talk nonsense about @FemFreq to me here. Dudes, I SO don't have time for you. (1/2)

Your arguments are bullshit, you reek of fetid sexism, and also @FemFreq is fucking RIGHT. So, stop, already. You're not swaying me. (2/2)
Now remember, the First Law of Gamma is: Lie RELENTLESSLY to yourself. Observe that Scalzi is announcing that NO INFORMATION can possibly sway him from his chosen position. In doing so, he also announces that he is not capable of dialectic, he is one of those individuals that Aristotle described as the sort for whom "not even the possession of the exactest knowledge will make it easy for what we say to produce conviction. For argument based on knowledge implies instruction, and there are people whom one cannot instruct."

The Gamma cannot be instructed because he identifies with his delusions and any knowledge that does not conform to his preconceived delusions must therefore be rejected before it can threaten them. This is the primary difference between Delta and Gamma. Both Deltas and Gammas tend to be conflict-avoidant, but the Delta can be easily instructed. The Gamma cannot be.


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