Wednesday 24 September 2014

Alpha Mail: the BETA shield

A reader observes white knights actively defending women from the consequences of their own actions:
A woman-writer posts about getting creeps asking for one-on-one sessions. She jokes that they can have one... for a million dollars, ha ha! So I don't know this person, but I gently point out that this is not the best idea. She's basically admitting she's a prostitute and inviting these same "creeps" to talk her down on the price. This is actually a relatively well known parable that she's put herself into....

Well the reaction is all too typical. Her beta orbiters swoop in to protect her from the insinuation that she need ever have any sense. They have to one up each other showing how cultured, refined, and right-thinking they are with regards to feminism, humanism, and chauvinism. I can't imagine what it must be like... going through life having a veritable team of full time cheerleaders that would do everything in their power to protect you from ever having to think, to reason, or develop a moral compass. But that's what this is....

It is of course even worse in the church. R. C Sproul is a pretty good guy for the most part, but in his survey of the Old Testament a falls apart when he gets to Job. When Job's wife says, "curse God and die," it wasn't such a bad thing, really, and (according to Sproul) we shouldn't get hung up on it. After all, she has such a caring heart that she just wants to have her husband's suffering alleviated. (Never mind that she is basically repeating the words of Satan from a few verses earlier... and never mind that alleviating suffering in this case basically boils down to euthanasia.) The woman's been dead for thousands of years and yet Sproul has to stick up for her.

Women in a Bible study who have lived a sheltered life will respond poorly to anyone that points out what's going on with this. They will even go to the point of defending the abortion of kids with Down Syndrome-- after all, preventing suffering is what our heart is all about, they say. It's unreal the lengths that they will go to avoid having to take a firm moral position on anything.

I have no idea if this revulsion to responsibility is instinctive or socialized, but it is very bad news. It means you cannot rely on women to train children in any aspect of morality, theology, or ethics. But culturally, we defer to them in those matters on the assumption that they tend to be more spiritual than men. The reality is that we've delegated these things to a class of people that have an almost perfect shield against any sort of consequences or responsibility.

One thing about GamerGate is that reveals just how big a thing this really is. Zoe Quinn cheats on her boyfriend and she instantly has every major media outlet at her service to provide shielding. This is why it's futile to argue with women about anything. Not only do they have the option to use unfair tactics and then get a pass on it, but they always always always outnumber you. Tramps, sluts, and even dead women can easily maintain a coalition of twenty people that will routinely shout you down.... It's unreal.
I don't recommend arguing with women about these things. I recommend simply treating this sort of woman with the same disdain and lack of respect you would treat the logic presented by a retarded child attempting to defend his decision to defecate in his own bed. No individual, male or female, who refuses to accept responsibility for his own actions, can be considered a moral adult or an intellectual peer. I don't automatically defer to women on anything, and I certainly don't regard them as peers sans evidence of actual higher brain function.

Now, I trust my wife to train our children because she has reliably demonstrated both the aforementioned brain function as well as acceptance of her moral culpability for her actions. But she is not most women; she has never made a habit of attempting to evade the consequences of her decisions, good or bad. She is observably a moral adult and expects to be treated accordingly. It is a mistake to assume all women are moral children, even if it is a less egregious one than assuming that all women are not only moral adults, but are also morally and spiritually superior to men.

As with men, the proof is in the observable actions. Women can and often will behave like moral adults when they are expected to do so. It should not be surprising that when they are permitted to behave like moral children and permitted to evade negative consequences, many of them elect to do so instead.

And as for being outnumbered, what of it? Being outnumbered doesn't matter so long as you outgun the other side, both literally and intellectually.

Whatever happens, we have got
The naked truth, and they have not.


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