Monday 15 September 2014

Even the comics

Having successfully taken over SF/F and set their targets on electronic gaming, it appears the feminist Social Justice Warriors have already conquered Comic Land:

Readers might be able to deal with Spider-Man repeatedly getting saved by a brand new hero in his own book if, as Peter Parker, there were sufficient character development. One would think that the six months after Peter Parker essentially returned from the dead would warrant considerable time for soul-searching introspection between action sequences. Instead, Peter Parker goes about his life as if nothing of much significance has happened; he has an “I sorta-kinda died — moving on,” mentality. Meanwhile, Silk comes to his aid, Black Cat embarrasses him, and Anna Maria Marconi runs his company.
Hey, what young nerd doesn't want to read all about The Sensational Silk and her strong, independent womanhood? It's not like he could be expected to identify with Peter Parker, after all.

The fact that the SJWs are gunning for the comics proves that they will leave no male bastion untouched.


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